Fee Bill Adopted by Stillwater Medical Society at Freeport, Ohio, On the 29th day of August, 1867.
Steubenville, Ohio, 1867. Broadside, 27 x 17 cm. CONDITION: Old folds, light foxing, moderate dampstaining at verso. This medical fee bill outlines services offered and the varying prices for them, ranging from .50 cents to $100. Services are broken into three categories: general services—prescriptions, teeth extractions, “lancing abscess,” etc.; “Obstetrics”—Embryotomy, Craniotomy, etc.; and “Surgery”—“Ligating Arteries, large,” “Hair-lip,” “Red’ng Strangulated Hernia,” “Fistula in Ano,” etc. Rates are also given for medical consultations and visits in both town and country. “Extraordinary detention” is charged per hour. A nota bene appears at the bottom: “A Discretionary Power will be allowable in All Cases when Dishonorable Competition has to be Contended with.” Little is known of the Stillwater Medical Society; it is listed as an auxiliary medical society by the Ohio State Medical Society during their forty-ninth annual session held in 1894. No records in OCLC.
Item #5303