Item #5303 Fee Bill Adopted by Stillwater Medical Society at Freeport, Ohio, On the 29th day of August, 1867. Stillwater Medical Society.
Fee Bill Adopted by Stillwater Medical Society at Freeport, Ohio, On the 29th day of August, 1867.
Fee Bill Adopted by Stillwater Medical Society at Freeport, Ohio, On the 29th day of August, 1867.

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Stillwater Medical Society.

Fee Bill Adopted by Stillwater Medical Society at Freeport, Ohio, On the 29th day of August, 1867.

Steubenville, Ohio, 1867. Broadside, 27 x 17 cm. CONDITION: Old folds, light foxing, moderate dampstaining at verso.

This medical fee bill outlines services offered and the varying prices for them, ranging from .50 cents to $100. Services are broken into three categories: general services—prescriptions, teeth extractions, “lancing abscess,” etc.; “Obstetrics”—Embryotomy, Craniotomy, etc.; and “Surgery”—“Ligating Arteries, large,” “Hair-lip,” “Red’ng Strangulated Hernia,” “Fistula in Ano,” etc. Rates are also given for medical consultations and visits in both town and country. “Extraordinary detention” is charged per hour. A nota bene appears at the bottom: “A Discretionary Power will be allowable in All Cases when Dishonorable Competition has to be Contended with.” Little is known of the Stillwater Medical Society; it is listed as an auxiliary medical society by the Ohio State Medical Society during their forty-ninth annual session held in 1894.

No records in OCLC.

Item #5303


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