[Photograph of General George Patton, inscribed “To Col. John O. Hyatt from G. S. Patton Jr.”]
[Germany?, ca. 1945.]. 9.5” x 7.5”, plus margins. Inscribed in the upper-right corner. CONDITION: Very good, a bit of foxing in the lower margin. A scarce and very appealing inscribed photo of General George Patton. Striking a rather “cock-of-the-walk” pose, Patton is shown here dressed in his uniform, with his right hand on his belt, his left arm at ease, and holding a riding crop in his left hand. His helmet, shoulders, and lapels are all decorated with four stars, and he wears numerous service ribbons on his jacket. He looks directly at the camera, slightly squinting, with an air of unflappable determination and grit. Patton became a four star general in April of 1945, dating this photograph to around that time or later in the year, prior to his death in December. The photo is inscribed to Col. John O. Hyatt, who served in Patton’s Third U.S. Army. While information on Hyatt is scant, he is described in a 1945 declassified U.S. Army document as follows: Colonel, Quartermaster Corps, Headquarters XII Corps, who while serving with the Army of the United States distinguished himself by meritorious service during the period 15 Aug. ‘44 to 4 Feb. ‘45 in France and Luxembourg, in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States. Entered military service from California. In addition to his orchestration of the Third Army’s rapid, armored drive across France in 1944 and his pivotal role in the Battle of the Bulge, Patton is famed for his oration to the Third U.S. Army, delivered between four and six times in May and June 1944 prior to the Allied invasion of German-occupied France, a speech regarded by some historians as one of the greatest military motivational speeches ever delivered. Rife with profanity and vulgar epithets, it was perceived as unprofessional by other officers but was very well received by the enlisted men. Indeed, Patton was speaking the “language of the barracks.” During each delivery, Patton wore a helmet and polished cavalry boots and gripped a riding crop which he snapped from time to time for effect, possibly the very same riding crop that is visible in the photograph offered here. The speech contributed much to his popular image and legacy, which were reinforced by George C. Scott’s stellar performance in the movie Patton (1970). A marvelous inscribed photograph of perhaps the most celebrated and colorful general of World War II. REFERENCES: Adwar, Corey. “6 Badass Lines From Patton’s Famously Vulgar Speech” at Task and Purpose online; U.S. Army. Headquarters XII Corps; Office of the Commanding General at Coulthart online.
Item #7742